9.4.2022 – Arnaldo Galban – Actor – Workshop
Its social and artistic function, its relationship with identity. Introduction to the technique of improvisation and acting with masks described in the book Impro by Keith Johnstone.
Encounter – Relationship – Diversity
5.4.2022 – Gianluca Falconi – Conference
Encounter – Relationship – Diversity
What does it mean to ‘recognise’ the other?
The real man is not ‘equal’: he is by nature unique, i.e. different. And this is not said by reflection, but by observation of reality: no two human beings are the same. Each uniquely embodies their own humanity and it is precisely in this embodiment that their inalienable dignity resides.
Theatre as relational art
2.4.2022 – Arnaldo Galban – Actor – Workshop
Theatre as relational art.
Acting on behalf of the other. The importance of listening and interpersonal relations in the process of theatre creation. Group creation exercises. The theatre company as a plural, diverse and living organism.
Being custodians of creation
29.03.2022 – Antonio María Baggio – Conference
Being custodians of creation.
What is brotherhood?
The emotional body
26.03.2022 – Arnaldo Galban – Actor – Workshop
The emotional body.
The body as a channel for emotions. The importance of body language and non-verbal communication. Introduction to the psycho-physical training proposal by teacher Nelda Castillo and the El Ciervo Encantado group.
Morals and art, a general introduction
22.03.2022 – Annia Martínez – Philosopher – Conference
Morals and art, a general introduction.
Since antiquity, the moral theme (conduct) has been central to human reflection, both for its implications in concrete personal life and for its social repercussions. Distinguishing good from evil is perhaps the most difficult part of our existence, hence the need to question the objectivity or otherwise of both elements, the consequences of a relative or nihilistic stance, the real capacity for full knowledge of morality, etc. The possibility to choose is an expression of human freedom, but is this freedom absolute; is it possible to choose the infinite?; or to be even more specific, can we consciously choose evil? These are some of the questions this conference seeks to answer in view of a dialogue with the field of art and the specific category of beauty.
What motivates us to move?
19.03.2022 – George Céspedes – Choreographer – Workshop
What motivates us to move?
Some actions are performed consciously and others unconsciously. The sender, i.e. the one who performs the movement, knows in a certain way the motivation that drives him to move; while at other times it is a mystery. On the other hand, for the receiver, who observes the action (the movement), the motivation will almost always be unknown; since it will depend on various mediations: social, cultural, political, religious, historical, academic, professional, cognitive and contextual to interpret the message.
Elements for a historical poetics
15.03.2022 – Darío García Luzón – Philosopher – Conference
Elements for a historical poetics.
‘Focused on the creative act itself, historical poetics awaits the giving of meaning in the concrete personal circumstance’.
The essence of movement
12.03.2022 – George Céspedes – Choreographer – Workshop
The essence of movement.
Movement is shaped by physicality and expressiveness. The former is the physical capacity of a body to move, in other words, the different types of techniques to move. For its part, the second is translated as the different languages that need to be expressed through movement.
The essence of movement is energy. This is that sublime emanation
of the brain; expressiveness neither physical nor verbal. In short, it is what moves art and everything around us.
Creativity and artistic work in the crucible of ‘relationship’
08.03.2022 – Fernando Muraca – Director – Conference
Creativity and artistic work in the crucible of ‘relationship’.
Pavel Florensky writes in this regard: ‘It is truth that determines reason and makes knowledge a true encounter with the other, that is, an event, a being with the other […] Knowledge is a true “exit” from self-knowledge, that is, a true “entry” into the other, a true union of the two.