The experience was unique. It came at a time when I needed an emotional respite and art was the best way for that. [The course] gave me an opportunity to meet and share with fantastic people, create together, discuss various topics and learn. It really changed my life, the socialising made me much more empathetic, sensitive and respectful towards otherness. In the end it gave me something huge, love. It is something worth repeating.
We have all had a wonderful experience within the course, because of the inter-subjective relationships and friendships we have built over these three months. We all felt that the time we had was quite short, which means we did something good.
I think it was a door that opened, a possibility. A door that we do not go through leaving out who we are, but entering with all our experiences, carrying that backpack that sometimes weighs us down and that I now feel is lighter. I feel it has helped us to be more ourselves, to discover what we have inside and who surrounds me.
[The workshop] Helped me to open up more in the creative process, also in my way of thinking, of acting, and at the same time it helped me to get in touch with other people, artists, experts in every subject who contributed their part to this artistic experience of growth.
A unique life experience, in which I experienced a process of self-discovery and encounter with the other. It allowed me to break all my barriers. It changed my vision of art and life in general. I realised that sharing is the most beautiful thing when creating, because that is where the most beautiful things in life come from.
I was lucky enough to participate in the DAB project from the beginning and I have noticed a radical change in myself as a person and in the way I see and feel art.
In general, all these courses have helped me to reinvent myself. This is vital in our lives, we can’t live stuck in the “I can’t do it”. The course has helped me to forget about what others might say about what I do, it has helped me to really live and only art can do that. My relationship with art has changed radically, I have always liked contemplating art more, but now I also like to create, even if I don’t want to dedicate myself professionally to it. This course gave me the push to join my school choir, to make a self-portrait, to photograph others even though I have no idea about painting or photography. This course has the capacity to eliminate, the feeling of shame in me, prejudices about myself and others and I believe that this is only possible when the people behind it all are able to make us, those who are part of it, feel that we are in a safe, welcoming place. There is nothing more beautiful than learning from others and feeling at home with people you barely know by name and DAB has achieved that too.
I feel like a totally different person and I honestly feel very different on a daily basis. It’s a long job, it’s not a one day’s work, but this course has helped me to get rid of the feeling of shame and the limits that I set for myself. It has helped me to enjoy myself, art and the experience of seeing the other as a gift, as an instrument to help me to be better.
I think my experience in this project has a lot to do with beauty. I believe that beauty is a way of contemplating the good, of manifesting the good in this world, and through art we are able to personify that beauty, which seems something abstract but which is within us, and art is the means to bring out the beauty within us, to highlight the beauty of things and people.
2022 – Inside and through BEAUTY – Cuba
We all have the capacity to create art, it is we ourselves who set limits. This course is necessary to discover within ourselves how to bring out all that is artistic, the art we carry within us, and I think it was a very useful experience for everyone.